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Search Results for "IMPRO 2014: An improvised play in the style of a "Romantic Comedy""
IMPRO 2014: An improvised play in the style of a "Romantic Comedy"
IMPRO 2014: An improvised play in the style of a "Fantasy"-Movie (Improv Theatre)
IMPRO 2012: Scenes from an Improv Play in the Style of Woody Allen (National Theatre of the World)
IMPRO 2014: Movie Scene "Horror" (Improv Theatre)
IMPRO 2014: An improvised Country Song "I'm a stranger"
IMPRO 2014: Interview with Lee White about the Fantasy-Improv
"Impro kann mehr": Storytelling helps to cope with serious illness (Randy Dixon)
IMPRO 2013: Solo-Improv Jacob Banigan "Ropeway" Gromolo, Gibberish
IMPRO 2012: An improvised Play in the Style of Woody Allen (National Theatre of the World)
The Russian Play: an Improvised Black Comedy at StudioBE
The Pitch at IMPRO Amsterdam 2014
IMPRO 2014: Interview with Kevin Gillese about the "Tarantino"-Improv